Houseband at Large


Images shown in this web log (blog) are mostly owned by the blog owner unless otherwise cited, it may have been taken either in public domains or under Creative Commons, or were found on Government websites and or publications. 

In regards to its contents, proper attributions were made to the best of the blog owners knowledge by linking it back to its proper source or citing it properly in case of publications,  and are in NO way being claimed to be the work nor the property of the blog owner.

All examples provided in this site were all based from the blog owners own experience and personal knowledge, thus, should you wish to follow the tutorials or the samples as provided, you may do so at your own risk.

The blog owner SHALL NOT BE responsible for any errors, mistakes and accidents that might take place should you decide to follow what is written in this blog

All my writings are copyleft with attribution, feel free to distribute and use any of my contents provided that proper attribution to this blog and its owner is given.

Blog owner

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